PTBG is the first academic ludological society in Poland (founded in 2004 and registered in 2005). It gathers scholars and students of numerous universities, different specializations (linguistics, theory of literature, sociology, psychology, philosophy, history, economy, computing, and other sciences and arts) and professions, as well as practitioners – game players and game designers, dealing with broadly perceived game issues especially Role–Playing Games and computer games.
The aim of the association is to popularise and develop the knowledge of games, both in the theoretical (interdisciplinary, as well as from the point of view of particular disciplines) and practical (creating and distributing games;didactic applications) perspective. The Games Research Association of Poland aims to assist its members in establishing valuable scholarly theoretical assumptions and introduce innovative practical solutions.
The association organises – alone and through cooperation with academic institutions – meetings, conventions, conferences, workshops, courses, training and other enterprises related to games research.
Its intention is to popularise and publish ludological academic works
written in Poland . The PTBG propagates the idea of games as a form of creative use of time, intends to present proposals concerning the application of games in didactics and pedagogy to the Ministry of Education and raises interest in games via different media including the internet.
The association will also take a stand in public matters related to games.
It is planning to cooperate with similar scholarly societies, organisations and institutions in Poland and abroad.
Information about current conferences:
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